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The guild

A strong network of CEOs with an eye to the future

To finance the orchestra’s special projects and to support these with their commercial expertise, the CEOs of prominent companies have united to form The Guild. 

The Guild forms a strong network around the orchestra. Firstly thanks to the critical financial support we need to be able to invite exceptional soloists, or finance foreign tours. But mostly thanks to the sharp focus on future generations.

The development of talent and innovation are key concepts of The Guild, creating new, eye-catching collaborations. Such as the online performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at the start of 2020. During the first Covid-19 lockdown, the orchestra decided to perform from home. Millions of people watched and listened as the short film From us, for you went viral across the globe. With this online message, the orchestra put itself on the world map as an innovative force, whilst positioning itself within the heart of the local community. None of this would have been possible without the support of … The Guild.

The Guild is a home for the CEOs of leading companies or Rotterdam entrepreneurs who share a passion for Rotterdam, culture, and our orchestra. Membership of The Guild costs 6,000 euros per concert season (from September to the end of August). The cultural ANBI status of the orchestra means that all or part of this donation is tax deductible.

Music is the soul of the city and that’s why I am a fan of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. I’m proud that our company can contribute as a sponsor to all the beauty that the orchestra shares with us.”

- Joost Ector, partner Ector Hoogstad Architecten

Do you have a question or would you like more information?

Contact us, we will be happy to assist you.
Henriette Henny
Manager Development

Members of the Guild

ABN AMRO Bank Rotterdam Mr P. Pfaff | AKD Advocaten & Notarissen Ms mr. N. van Woerkom MBA | Ms mr. M.G.H.M. Verkuilen MBA | Anthony Veder Mr drs. J.M. Valkier | Batenburg Techniek N.V. Mr R. van den Broek | Severs Breeman BMW en MINI Mr A.J. Witvliet | de heer G.J. Mast | Doornbos Equipment B.V. Ms D. Doornbos | Dura Vermeer Groep N.V. Mr drs. J. Dura | Ector Hoogstad Architecten Mr ir. J.A.P. Ector | EDGE Technologies Mr drs. C.P.G. van Oostrom | Egon Zehnder mr. M.Douma | Eneco Holding N.V. Mr A. Tempelman | Enigmatry Mr J. de Haan | HAL Investments Mr mr. J.B. van Marwijk Kooy | Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. Mr drs. ir. B. Siemons | Hollandia Vastgoed B.V. Mr S.P. Lubbers | Houthoff Mr J. Kröner | Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam Mr L.C. Ruijs | Indofin Group | Middelland Beheer B.V. Ms. drs. B.H.C. de Bruin | ING Bank Rotterdam Ms. mr. B.B.M. Brand MRE | Jeeves/ Senior Service Mr F.V. Vervat | KPMG Rotterdam Mr E. van Deursen | Loyens & Loeff N.V. Mr mr. H. Zeven | M&R de Monchy Mr D.L. baron van Wassenaer | Matrans Holding B.V. Mr J.M. Vervat | NautaDutilh Mr E.H. Geerling | Nedspice Holding B.V. Mr F.J. Lavooij | NGM International B.V. Mr R.J. Drake | Ploum Mr T. Ensink | ProDelta Ms E.R.D. Meijer | Rabobank Rotterdam Ms D. Verdaasdonk | Tóco Ms S.C. Tóth | Van Lanschot Bankiers Rotterdam Mr M.J.R. Slingenberg | Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV Mr R.E. de Bruin | Vitol B.V. Mr G.R. Skern

Members in a personal capacity of the Guild Mr S.M.T. Schipper | Mr ir. drs. H.N.J. Smits | Ms C.F.J. de Ruiter-de Groot
Ambassadors Philharmonic Fund Mr F.J. Lavooij | Mr S.M.T. Schipper

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