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Sint Sing Along (3+)

kids show20 Nov '24

An exciting Sinterklaas story and plenty of well-known songs - to listen and sing along to.

Playdates & Tickets
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Next season Sinterklaas and his Canaries will visit the orchestra with a new adventure. Next to this exciting story told by Stip and Stippel, we will sing Saint Nicholas songs together with the Canary choir of Hofplein Youth Theatre and an ensemble of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in which everyone can join in to their heart's content! This is a co-production of Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and Hofplein Youth Theater. On Saturday, November 23rd and Sunday, November 24th there will also be performances in the Hofplein Theater at 11:00 and 14:00. Tickets for these can be ordered through Hofplein Theater.

Programme & performers

An exciting Sinterklaas story and plenty of well-known songs - to listen and sing along to.

There's a knock at the door
Knocked hard, knocked soft

All play dates of Sint Sing Along (3+)

Wednesday 20 Nov 20241:30 PM
Rotterdamde Doelen (Jurriaanse Hall)
Wednesday 20 Nov 20244:00 PM
Rotterdamde Doelen (Jurriaanse Hall)

Watch, listen and marvel:

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